Managing Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-Information (MDM) in Emergency Response

In today's digital age, the rapid dissemination of information through electronic communication channels has revolutionized the way we stay informed. However, this technological advancement has also given rise to a concerning phenomenon known as Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-Information (MDM) -  false or misleading information disseminated across social media. When it comes to emergency response, the impact of MDM can be devastating. False or misleading information can spread like wildfire, leading to panic, confusion, and potentially fatal consequences. Government and nonprofit organizations involved in emergency response and management must actively track and counter MDM to support rescue and recovery efforts in our hyperconnected world.  

Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-Information (MDM) Defined

While the terms "misinformation," "disinformation," and "malinformation" are increasingly used in news and political discourse, it is essential to understand their definitions. Here are working definitions of MDM:

  • Misinformation - False or inaccurate information that is unintentionally spread, often due to a lack of knowledge, misunderstanding, or misinterpretation. It is typically disseminated without malicious intent, although it can still have negative consequences. Misinformation can arise from various sources, including misreported facts, rumors, or misunderstandings, and it can be shared through traditional or digital communication channels.

  • Disinformation - Involves intentionally spreading false or misleading information with the purpose of deceiving or manipulating the audience. It is a deliberate act of misinformation, often employed to serve specific interests, such as influencing public opinion, causing discord, or gaining a strategic advantage. Disinformation can be created and disseminated through various mediums, including social media, news outlets, or even state-sponsored campaigns.

  • Malinformation - True information that is shared with the intention of causing harm or damage to individuals, organizations, or reputations. Unlike misinformation and disinformation, malinformation contains accurate facts but is selectively presented or used out of context to inflict harm or provoke negative consequences. It may involve the public disclosure of private or confidential information, spreading personal secrets, or exposing sensitive data with malicious intent.

While all three terms involve false or misleading information, the key distinction lies in the intent behind their dissemination. Misinformation is unintentional, disinformation is intentional and deceptive, and malinformation is intentional but based on true information used for harmful purposes. Disinformation and malinformation are often the results of adversarial manipulation and influence campaigns by enemy states and terrorist groups, making them a significant threat to our nation's security on multiple fronts. These deliberate efforts to undermine accurate information not only disrupt emergency response but also pose risks to public trust, social cohesion, and the stability of our society. It is imperative that government agencies and organizations involved in emergency response remain vigilant in identifying and countering these malicious tactics to safeguard our nation's security and protect the well-being of our communities.

Combatting MDM During Emergency Response

During a crisis, accurate and timely information is vital for effective emergency response. However, MDM has the power to undermine these efforts and jeopardize the safety of individuals and communities. For instance, false information regarding the severity or location of a disaster can create unnecessary panic, causing people to make rash decisions that put their lives at risk. Incorrect details about evacuation routes during a wildfire can lead to confusion and potential loss of lives. The chaos and uncertainty fueled by MDM can hinder emergency responders' ability to coordinate their efforts and allocate resources efficiently.

Public sector organizations, such as local, state, and federal government agencies, play a pivotal role in managing the impact of MDM during emergencies. These agencies must be proactive in identifying, analyzing, and countering false information to ensure the safety and well-being of the public. However, combatting MDM presents unique challenges, particularly in the realm of social media. To effectively manage MDM during emergency situations, public sector organizations must implement robust communication strategies that are effective during times of crisis, integrate technology trends and tools, and are well-coordinated across multiple platforms, organizational partners, and communities.  

Here are some key approaches that can help mitigate the impact of MDM:

Real-time Monitoring and Rapid Response - Establishing a dedicated team within emergency response agencies to monitor social media platforms and promptly respond to false information can help prevent the spread of MDM. Public sector organizations should monitor online discourse, or “digital chatter,” related to the emergency situation. Multiple software programs and tools are commercially available to support these efforts in times of crisis. 

Clear and Timely Digital Communication - Public sector organizations should prioritize clear and concise messaging to ensure accurate information reaches the public swiftly. Social media can be a great platform in which to communicate in a clear and timely manner. Additionally, it’s the preferred media channel go-to for Millennials and Generation Z.  Providing regular social media updates through trusted and official channels can help combat the spread of false information. Experienced government communicators such as Becker Digital can provide organizations with strategic communications delivery across multip[le digital channels during times of crisis. 

Engaging with Social Media Platforms - Collaboration with social media platforms is crucial in combating MDM. Public sector organizations can work with platforms to develop policies and algorithms that prioritize accurate information and flag or remove false content. In our work at Becker Digital, we have encountered varying levels of commitment from social media platforms in curbing the spread of MDM across their platforms. Our team of cyber experts has demonstrated experience collaborating with social media companies to counter destructive MDM. 

Public Education and Awareness Campaigns - Preemptive efforts to educate the public about the dangers of MDM and the importance of verifying information during emergencies can help build resilience against misinformation. Empowering individuals with digital literacy skills can make them less susceptible to false information as they are able to identify mis-, dis-, and mal-information spread across popular social media platforms. 

The Future of MDM and Emergency Response 

MDM poses a significant challenge to emergency response efforts in our digitally interconnected world. Technological advances such as artificial intelligence (AI), deep fakes, and machine learning (ML) all present expanded capabilities for bad actors to leverage MDM to harm our communities. Public sector organizations have a critical role in combating MDM and ensuring the safety of the public. By implementing effective communication strategies, integrating technological advancements, and fostering collaboration with partners and communities, these organizations can minimize the harmful impact of MDM during emergency situations. Together, we can protect lives, build resilient communities, and ensure accurate information prevails in times of crisis.

Next Steps

Integrating MDM response strategies into your organization’s emergency management and recovery plan can help ensure positive outcomes during times of crisis. Becker Digital is a veteran-owned consulting firm that protects communities and organizations from mis-, dis-, and mal-information (MDM) through consulting, strategy development, and training. We have extensive experience at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. Our team of cyber experts and military professionals understands the complexity of the modern multi-domain environment and works with organizations to address the growing threats associated with MDM. We work with public sector clients to understand the impacts of MDM on organizational mission, brand, reputation, and ability to communicate with the populations served. 

Our team understands the importance of detecting and countering MDM for effective crisis response and management and is equipped to support public sector organizations in emergency response. The presence of MDM in the United States is rapidly increasing - a concerning trend that has the potential to lead to magnified adverse impacts. Effective countering of MDM requires advanced and relevant capabilities aligned with the current threat landscape. Contact us to discuss strengthening your organization's response plan through MDM support services. 

Becker Digital is proud to be a CVE-verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), SBA-certified HUBZone Business, and Virginia SWaM-certified (Micro, Small, and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned) Business.


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