Pinterest Marketing Tips

Pinterest is a very popular social media app that excels at providing quality traffic referrals to websites that are content-rich with blog posts and other informative assets. If organizations maintain a content-rich resource library of articles, blog posts, and/or videos online, Pinterest may be a good inclusion for the organization’s social media strategy.  

Why Pinterest is a social media goldmine:

  • Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing social media apps in United States history and reaches one in two Millennials.

  • The app reaches over 80% of US women between the ages of 25 and 54, achieving higher saturation than Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.

  • In overall social media app popularity, Pinterest ranks fourth in America, outranking Snapchat, LinkedIn, Twitter, and WhatsApp.

  • Pinterest is an excellent source of site traffic, providing 33 percent more site referral traffic than Facebook.

  • Users spend an average of 14.2 minutes per session on Pinterest, and the usage time is on the rise. While users of other apps (like Facebook) are decreasing their usage time, Pinterest users are twice as likely to report their app time to be time well spent.

Thanks to automated Pinterest scheduling resources like Tailwind and Planoly, organizations can implement a Pinterest strategy with limited time and financial resources. While other social media apps, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, have seen a drop off in user engagement and organic reach for brands, Pinterest has been slow to commercialize and has focused feature development on app integrations that encourage community growth and reward quality content.  

3 Pinterest Marketing Tips:

Optimize the organization’s Pinterest account.

Great Pinterest accounts don’t just happen - they are developed. Before organizations begin pinning, investing time to create a brand-relevant Pinterest account is recommended. Organizations should add their logo and other brand-related graphic content, along with a keyword-rich description. Adding the organization's url to the account isn’t enough; organizations should claim their website through Pinterest’s verification process to verify. Additionally, installing the Pinterest Save button on the organization’s website can help streamline the pinning process. 

Organize your brand’s content into Pinterest boards.

Pinterest is more than just pretty pictures of food and DIY home projects; it’s also about collections of quality content that enriches the community. Pinterest accounts have the opportunity to create branded boards that help organize content. Organizations can create topic-specific boards to help organize content and connect with social media users. Additionally, the creation of custom board covers can help showcase content. Board covers are square in size, with a 1:1 ratio and optimal image dimensions of 600 x 600 size. Board covers should share brand color and typeface similarities to reinforce branding and build the community. Make sure each board has a keyword-rich description to help improve content search results. 

Prioritize the visual aesthetic and design of Pinterest pins.

A well-written blog post shared to Pinterest may be great; however, if the image selected for the pin isn’t inviting or optimized for Pinterest, it may not yield positive results.  Similar to other social media apps like Instagram, Pinterest is highly visual, so quality graphics (or videos!) that encourage users to click your content are key! Consider investing in branded Pinterest graphic templates for your organization. If a nonprofit organization, check out Canva Pro’s free version for 501c(3) organizations. Optimal Pinterest image proportions are 2:3 ratio (1.5 times as tall as they are wide) with 735 x 1102 pixels regarded as a good size.

Learn more about social media strategy for mission-driven organizations:

If your organization is looking for a creative partner to provide marketing and PR services, Becker Digital is always ready to help. Our team of experienced professionals is available for projects large and small. We work to customize our services to the client’s needs. Contact us to schedule a complimentary call and learn more about how digital strategy can enhance your organization’s mission.  


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