10 Social Media Content Ideas for Nonprofits

Creating and collecting interesting content to share on social media can be a challenge for any organization, including nonprofits. Posting “donate today!” over and over and over will not get a nonprofit very far, as the social media space is increasingly saturated with similar, competing content. Learning how to connect with social media users in an authentic, engaging manner can help nonprofit organizations see results on social media. The development of an effective social media strategy can position nonprofits of all sizes for sustainable growth. 

While every social media app is different in regards to the app’s features, user demographics, and current trends, there are a few general types of social media content that nonprofits can customize for their organization’s current objectives, and for posting on different social media apps. Having some sort of content bank or themed strategy can help nonprofits brainstorm and generate organization-specific ideas. The majority of these ideas can be incorporated in image or video posts, depending on the social media app that they are to be posted.

In this post, we’ll share ten general types of social media content that can be modified for a variety of audiences and multiple different social media apps. While these suggestions are just meant to be somewhat of a guideline, they may be a helpful reference for the organization’s marketing team when hitting a creative block and needing some inspiration when it comes to social media content.

Here are ten general social media content suggestions for nonprofit organizations:

Fundraising Campaign Content

Nonprofit organizations can share fundraising campaign-related content via social media to keep their support base informed and engaged in the mission-related operations. Potential fundraising campaign content for social media posting includes things like the initial campaign announcement, fundraising campaign progress updates, campaign results, and donor thank-you and/or spotlights. Integrating multiple different types of media (video, image, GIFs, etc.) may help increase engagement as it provides the user with a more immersive, interactive social media experience.

Organizational Programming and Offerings

Social media can be a great place to promote the organization's programming and offerings, including services, products, programs, etc. When drafting the copy for these types of social media posts, try to present the information in a way that relates to the user and their life, not just the organization. Best practices suggest keeping promotion-specific posts to no more than 10-20% of the organization’s overall social media content. While social media users may benefit from learning more about the nonprofit’s offerings via social media, oversaturation of such brand-focused content may diminish engagement and reach. 

Mission Testimonial

The third social media content idea for nonprofits is mission testimonials, which includes things like quotes from clients, board members, donors, and volunteers about how the organization has positively impacted their life and the community. When collecting testimonials, the social media manager may want to include images and video content when relevant or accessible. These media-rich types of social media posts typically gain more traction than text or link-only posts on most social media platforms. Mission testimonials provide social proofing for the organization and help connect the organization with potential supporters and clients that are within the existing supporter’s network. 

Organization Event Content

Organizational event coverage can include things like event announcements and details, event promotion that encourages sign-ups, photos and videos from the events, and post-event thank-you of sponsors, volunteers, and attendees. Depending on the event’s size, organizations can typically get several different social media posts out of just a few hours of activity. Assigning event-specific content collection to one or two designated team members during the event may help ensure ample content for social media posting. 

Demonstrate Impact

The fifth content suggestion includes social media posts that demonstrate the organization's community impact. When brainstorming social media content, try to identify creative ways to showcase how the organization has positively impacted the community. While these posts may not directly ask for donations, they do provide social proofing of how effective the organization is and why users should consider supporting its initiatives. Social media content that includes things like statistics, quotes, and media-rich posts (images, videos) can all help tell an organization’s impact story. Out of all types of social media content a nonprofit can post, these are some of the most important and should be routinely incorporated into the organization's social media content calendar.

Behind the Scenes Content

Another good social media content idea is behind the scenes content as this type of social media coverage provides social media followers with a unique view or perspective of the organization and its mission that’s much more personable and approachable than traditional, run of the mill promotional posts. When strategizing behind the scene content, consider sharing images and videos of the organization and its team members in-action. What may seem like a rather mundane operational activity may be quite insightful to community members that are interested in learning more about the organization and what it does. Additional behind the scenes ideas include things like team member introductions and volunteer spotlights.

Conversation Starters

Additionally, social media content that’s designed to spark conversation can be a good way to drive engagement and connect with social media users. Engagement drives social media reach on the majority of social media apps. Nonprofits can do this in a variety of ways, such as posing a question to social media users that are relevant to the organization’s mission or community. Consider utilizing in-app poll features to help facilitate these conversation starters when available, as many polling features offer followers anonymity. These engagement opportunities can be used to crowdsource information, increase campaign awareness, and activate members of the community to support the organization.

Ways to Get Involved

Posting social media content that communicates ways to get involved can help the nonprofit connect with social media users in an actionable way. Nonprofit organizations rely on their community to support the mission in various capacities. Inviting social media followers to volunteer and actively support current organizational priorities can be a good way to activate an existing supporter base. Similar to organizational programming or offerings content, best practices suggest keeping these types of posts to no more than 10-20% of the organization’s overall social media content.

Share the Organization’s History

Sharing the organization’s history on social media can help pique interest, while communicating more information about the nonprofit. Most nonprofit organizations have an inspirational story behind their founding. Nonprofits can use a mix of media, post types, and social media app features to tell the organization’s story and share how it’s developed over the years, while demonstrating its impact. Understanding an organization’s roots can help supporters recognize the organization’s impact and build trust regarding its sustainability.

Share Relevant Links and Information

And the final social media content idea is sharing outside links and additional information that is relevant to the nonprofit. This type of sourced content helps build the organization’s reputation as an industry leader and a trusted resource. Examples of potentially relevant content include things like press coverage that includes the organization, legislative and/or policy information that has the potential to impact the organization and/or the community it serves, and industry-specific content that has the potential to provide value to the organization's social media following. When sharing external content on the organization's social media channels, be sure to tag the content source when possible.

For additional social media content ideas:

Consistently creating engaging, brand-building social media content for a nonprofit organization can be challenging, especially when multiple social media apps are involved. Marketing and PR agencies like Becker Digital can help organizational teams develop a customized social media strategy and provide on-going support for digital implementation. We also offer social media management services for mission-driven organizations interested in connecting their communities through relationship-focused outreach efforts. For more information on how social media can help your organization grow, contact Becker Digital to schedule a Discovery Call.


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