Working with a Reputable Marketing Agency

Working with a capable, reputable marketing agency can help mission-driven organizations enhance their overall growth goals and operational effectiveness. Marketing, by definition, helps organizations increase brand awareness. The more people that know about an organization and its offerings, the more support the organization can potentially receive. Organizations large and small may hire a marketing agency to manage a variety of marketing functions - email newsletters, rebranding, develop strategy, build a new website, manage social media, design print materials, write blogs, produce videos, etc. Sometimes, marketing agencies are hired to work alongside the organization’s marketing and leadership teams. Other times, marketing agencies are hired as a cost-effective alternative to hiring an organizational marketing department. 

How Reputable Marketing Agencies Work

Marketing agencies work with organizations to analyze the market, enhance the brand, conduct market research, and increase market awareness about the organization. A good marketing strategy will be customized to the organization and its target audience. Marketing agencies that have sufficient experience and qualified leadership will always deliver customized strategies to organizations soliciting their services. One size fits all approaches to marketing are almost never effective, and marketing agencies that advertise these misleading marketing tactics should be avoided. A reputable marketing agency will take time to get to know the organization and its essential mission. They will work with the organization to determine goals and objectives. Additionally, a reputable marketing agency will be responsive to feedback from the client and will work to ensure the client is satisfied. 

Who Should Work with a Marketing Agency?

Businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations all work with marketing agencies. Due to the expansive nature of modern communications, marketing, public relations, and social media, some organizations may find it beneficial to work with multiple specialized marketing agencies. For example, a nonprofit may hire one marketing agency to build its website, and another marketing agency to provide social media management services. When you are evaluating potential marketing agencies to partner with, evaluate the agency’s capabilities, and ask what services will be provided by the contracted marketing agency, and what services will be subcontracted.

All organizations should have some form of marketing initiative to ensure brand awareness and organizational sustainability. Thanks to the internet, the world of marketing is rapidly changing. What worked to generate attention last year may not work this year or the next. One key benefit that reputable marketing agencies offer is that they are true specialists in the world of marketing - staying up to date with the ever-evolving changes in advertising and marketing. Partnering with an agency that offers this type of expertise can help the organization stay current on marketing and outreach trends and initiatives. Additionally, marketing agency team members can provide client organizations with fresh perspectives regarding the organization, its audience, and its potential growth. 

What to Expect when Working with a Marketing Agency

Most marketing agencies work on retainers or on project-based contracts. Due to the highly customized nature of quality marketing services, client’s investments may vary depending on the costs, timeframe, market, goals, etc. Reputable agencies like Becker Digital provide prospective clients a complimentary consultation call to learn more about the organization, current challenges, and growth goals. From information gathered in the session, marketing agencies can provide prospective clients with a service proposal that has the project’s scope broken down into detailed phases that include related fee structure and estimates. 

Once contracted to perform work for an organization, a reputable marketing agency will provide routine, scheduled updates to key organizational personnel. This can vary depending on the client’s requests but typically occurs in the form of written reports, phone calls, and scheduled meetings. Due to the constantly evolving nature of marketing, the agency may recommend changes to the marketing approach, as new information dictates. Even in the most challenging of projects and economic environments, a good marketing agency will be able to help the organization reach its customized growth goals outlined in the initial consultation and work contract. 

Let’s work together!

If you are interested in working with a marketing agency that can help your organization secure a sustainable future, contact Becker Digital to schedule a complimentary consultation. We recognize that every organization is unique, and will work with you to determine what marketing services will best serve your organization. During the initial consultation, we will ask questions about the organization's mission and goals and look forward to learning more about how we can best serve you. Please call (540) 572-0311 or email to schedule a consultation. 


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