WEBINAR - Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits

Creating a customized social media strategy for nonprofits can be a challenging task. Resources are often limited, the digital space is increasingly saturated, and you can only post so many “donate today!” posts before your social channels start losing traction. Organizational awareness of crucial social media strategy elements can help nonprofits connect with their communities and expand their outreach initiatives. An engaging social media strategy - one that sparks conversation and user participation - can position nonprofits to reach their developmental goals. Learn how your nonprofit organization can enhance its outreach efforts through the development and implementation of an effective social media strategy in this month’s webinar.

Topics covered in this webinar:

  • Overview of the top social media trends for organizations.

  • Developing an organization-specific social media strategy.

  • Engaging your organization's online community.

  • Common pitfalls for nonprofits to avoid in the digital space. 

  • Implementing a future-focused social media strategy.

Watch the webinar below:

Learn more:

To learn more about social media strategy, contact Becker Digital to schedule a consult. We would be happy to discuss your organization’s mission and goals.


WEBINAR - Influencer Marketing in the Digital Age


Building Community Connections Through Social Media