White Papers

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2023 White Papers

Higher Ed: Anonymous Hyperlocal Apps

Anonymous hyperlocal social media apps like Jodel and Yik Yak offer hyperlocal online communities that have emerged as cesspools of cyberbullying, hate speech, and harassment targeted specifically to members of the college and university community. Additionally, calls for acts of violence, self-harm, and threats of terrorism have been reported on these online communities geographically-affiliated with higher education institutions.

Discover the impacts of social media apps such as Jodel and Yik Yak on colleges and universities, and learn about effective mitigation strategies for combatting negative influences in this white paper.

Rural Outreach: Engage Rural America

Rural America is a vibrant segment of the United States population. Rural communities account for the majority of America’s landmass and approximately one-fifth of the country’s overall population. This geographically dispersed demographic is unique in lifestyle, needs, and priorities. Organizations that embrace a rural-focused strategy will be better positioned to foster long-term relationships in diverse rural communities.

Discover what makes rural life unique, and learn how organizations can effectively engage rural populations in this white paper.

Military and Veteran Support: An Insightful Approach to Outreach

The modern military and veteran community represents a diverse, multigenerational subset of our country’s population. Military service members, veterans, and their families face unique challenges and opportunities, many of which differ significantly from those experienced by the civilian population. Understanding the unique experiences of the valiant military and veteran community is critical in developing effective communications, marketing, and outreach initiatives.

Gain valuable insights into the development and implementation of a military and veteran community-friendly communications and marketing initiative in this white paper!