Digital Literacy: Critical Skills for Our Hyperconnected World

Digital literacy is a term of increasing popularity and importance. News headlines mention it, military doctrine references it, and the White House Office of National Cyber Director’s National Cyber Workforce Strategy highlights “digital literacy” as a critical component of cyber workforce readiness. Digital literacy is no longer a trendy hashtag or fringe movement limited to good intentions; instead, it’s a critical complement of cyber defense permeating all levels of organizational leadership across multiple sectors - business, defense, government, and technology.  

At Becker Digital, we’re big fans of digital literacy. We’ve trained government and nonprofit audiences on digital literacy, advised mission-driven organizations on incorporating digital literacy into their cybersecurity and modernization initiatives, and developed and delivered digital literacy skills training to military organizations. In many ways, we were tracking digital literacy as a solution to emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities long before the new age cyber term made it into industry publications. 

Despite the growing discourse around digital literacy in both industry and the public sector, few grasp its critical role in safeguarding individuals, organizations, and society against next-generation cyber threats. In this week's blog post, we aim to demystify digital literacy. We will define it, shed light on the cyber threats stemming from digital illiteracy, and elucidate how the development of digital literacy skills is becoming increasingly vital in the realm of national cyber defense.

What is Digital Literacy?

Digital literacy is using, understanding, and critically evaluating information and communication technologies. It encompasses a wide range of skills, from basic knowledge of how to operate digital devices and navigate the internet to more advanced abilities such as assessing the credibility of online sources and protecting one's digital identity. Can you identify mis- and disinformation circulating on social media? Do you possess the knowledge to verify the credibility of online sources? Are you proficient in navigating popular websites and social networking platforms?

Being “digitally literate” isn't just about being able to use technology; it's about using it effectively and safely in today's interconnected world. Digital literacy includes a foundational understanding of how the Internet works and how to use online tools to enhance your life - not harm it. Competent digital literacy skills empower individuals to participate in the Digital Age, make informed decisions, and safeguard themselves and their communities against online threats like mis/disinformation. In many ways, digital literacy empowers people to unlock the many potential benefits of the Internet while sidestepping the dangerous threats that may lie within our hyperconnected society. 

The Double-Edged Sword of Hyperconnectivity

Americans use digital media at rapidly increasing rates - social media, online publications, and technology platforms serve as the modern population’s go-to for receiving and distributing information. While we have swiftly transitioned into a hyperconnected world, where goods, services, information, and people are accessible at the tap of a screen, this convenience can be exploited by bad actors, enemy states, and terrorist groups. In cybersecurity, increased connectivity often introduces additional vulnerabilities, and this principle readily applies to our digital networks. 

Unfortunately, we’ve already witnessed the potentially deadly consequences of hyperconnectivity without digitally literate users in the violent uprisings in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. While technology may not necessarily be the inciting cause of acts of terror, such technological capabilities without digital education can expose and exacerbate fault lines of discord and hate in deadly and destructive ways. The weaponization of information is a very real possibility in a hyperconnected world, especially when it spreads like wildfire across social media networks. When manipulative disinformation gains traction and spreads rapidly across digital networks, it poses a serious threat. In such instances, digitally illiterate users may be influenced to become participants in these harmful actions.

Sex Ed, Firearms Safety, Driver’s Licensing, and Digital Literacy Courses

At Becker Digital, we draw parallels between the development of digital literacy skills and the importance of education in areas such as firearms safety, sex education, and driver's permit training. Each of these domains involves potentially powerful tools or knowledge that, when used irresponsibly or ignorantly, can result in long-term, damaging consequences for both the individual taking action and other people who may be directly or indirectly involved. 

  • Consider firearms safety education, for example. In the United States, various laws and programs are in place to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to handle firearms responsibly. This educational approach recognizes that responsible firearm ownership is contingent upon having accurate information and the ability to make informed decisions. It also acknowledges that the misuse of firearms can have grave and far-reaching consequences, both for the individual and society at large. Therefore, society places great emphasis on ensuring that individuals are well-informed and trained when it comes to firearms.

  • Similarly, sex education is a critical component of our educational system. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their sexual health and relationships. Sex education acknowledges that engaging in sexual activity without proper understanding can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including unintended pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. By providing comprehensive sex education, society aims to empower individuals to make responsible choices and protect their well-being.

  • When it comes to driver's permit training, individuals must undergo instruction and testing to ensure they have the necessary skills to operate motorized vehicles safely. This training is essential because driving carries inherent risks, not only for the driver but also for pedestrians and other road users. By requiring driver's education, society aims to minimize accidents and promote responsible behavior on the road.

In a similar vein, digital literacy education is essential in today's hyperconnected world. The Internet -  like firearms, sex, and motor vehicles - is a powerful tool. Without the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape responsibly, individuals can inadvertently expose themselves and others to risks, including cyber threats, misinformation, and digital harm. Thus, just as we prioritize education in other areas, we must also recognize the urgent need for comprehensive digital literacy education to ensure all citizens have the skills to safely and effectively utilize the Internet. 

Digital Illiteracy and Disinformation: The Perfect Storm for Cyber Attack

A lack of digital literacy can result in various destructive outcomes for individuals, communities, and organizations. The Internet is vulnerable to adversarial manipulation by bad actors, enemy states, and terrorist groups. Prolific distribution of false and misleading information (mis/disinformation) is a pervasive issue across all corners of the internet. What's particularly concerning is that many individuals encounter such information, fail to recognize it as inaccurate and untrustworthy, and make decisions that can lead to harmful actions based on these manipulative narratives. Virtually, no space is free from the negative impacts of mis/disinformation in our hyperconnected world. Mis/disinformation has been observed to impact Americans’ decisions related to defense, elections, emergency response, healthcare, human rights, national security, and public trust. Even if an individual isn’t active on social media, the ripple effect of disinformation can impact their communities, organizations, and daily lives in a multitude of ways. 

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accelerant

Recent developments in technology present next-gen challenges to our hyperconnected world. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to scale adversarial manipulation and weaponization of social media to new heights. If disinformation is a wildfire spreading across the Internet, AI is the fire accelerant with the potential to intensify its spread dramatically. This expansion of malign capabilities of enemy states and terrorist groups is concerning, particularly when considering the glaring inadequacies in digital literacy among the population of the United States. "The Rise of Generative AI and the Coming Era of Social Media Manipulation 3.0: Next-Generation Chinese Astroturfing and Coping with Ubiquitous AI" by RAND Corporation provides an excellent overview of how recent expansions in technological capabilities, such as AI, have altered the cyber-meets-cognitive battlefield.  

For further understanding of the evolving threat landscape posed by disinformation, you can also explore Becker Digital's Vice President, Hannah Becker’s recent panel discussion on the increasingly complex cyber threats disinformation presents in a recent AFCEA Webinar - “‘Digital Chatter' — The Growing Challenge of Mis/Disinformation.” The on-demand webinar recording delves deeper into the complexities of this evolving threat and its implications.

Digital Literacy: A Multi-Doman Solution to Complex Challenges

The challenges posed by rapid technological advancement require innovative solutions that prioritize the people who use technology, rather than focusing solely on the technology itself. Increasing digital literacy across the American population can support a long-term solution to cyber-meets-cognitive attacks on our communities, organizations, and nation. 

While digital literacy may not be a one-size-fits-all remedy for every next-generation cyber threat, it does equip internet users with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the dynamic and sometimes turbulent waters of digital connectivity with greater resilience. We cannot halt the progress of technology; however, we can provide the education and skills development needed to defend against evolving cyber threats, including those subvert attacks that arrive through our social media feeds. 

Digital literacy provides many benefits for individuals, organizations, and communities, including:

  • Empowering Individuals: Digital literacy empowers individuals to enhance their quality of life in various ways, including enhancing employability, increasing technology skills, and greater access to lucrative job opportunities through networking. Effective digital literacy training also fosters critical thinking by teaching individuals to evaluate information sources and identify mis- and disinformation. Furthermore, digital literacy promotes online safety. It equips individuals with the knowledge to protect themselves from rapidly evolving cyber threats. 

  • Strengthening Organizations: Digital literacy serves as a catalyst for growth and competitiveness within organizations. Employees equipped with digital literacy skills demonstrate greater efficiency in their tasks, harnessing digital tools to streamline workflows and facilitate effective collaboration. These operational efficiencies translate into cost savings and heightened productivity. Additionally, organizations benefit from digitally literate teams by fortifying their cybersecurity defenses, recognizing that humans represent the primary vulnerability within any organization's network.

  • Enhancing Communities: Widespread digital literacy benefits society as a whole. An informed and digitally literate populace is better prepared to engage in civic activities, make informed decisions, and foster more inclusive, resilient, and supportive communities. Digital literacy helps combat the spread of mis/disinformation, supports positive engagement, and promotes healthier public discourse. The development of this type of cognitive “infrastructure” can greatly assist in supporting community economic growth, citizen quality of life, and recovery efforts following crisis and disaster.  

Digital literacy plays a crucial role in bridging divides across multiple domains. While technology and social media have seemingly driven polarization and divisions within our communities, it's crucial to recognize that this is not an inevitable outcome. Course correction is attainable through digital literacy solutions that empower individuals, organizations, and communities to fully participate in the Digital Age in ways that enrich our lives rather than diminish them. By embracing digital literacy as a fundamental skill, we can better navigate the challenges of our hyperconnected world and foster a society that harnesses technology for the collective good.

Challenges of Implementing Wide-scale Digital Literacy Training Initiatives 

The development of digital literacy skills has been shown to have a positive impact on outcomes, well-being, and overall quality of life. However, implementing widespread digital literacy initiatives, particularly in the realm of social media, presents significant challenges.

Here are some key questions that frequently arise in discussions about digital literacy:

  • Responsibility for Curriculum Development: Determining who should be responsible for creating and delivering digital literacy training is a critical consideration. Should it be government agencies, educational institutions, or nonprofit organizations? Each has its strengths and limitations, and finding the right balance is crucial.

  • Potential for Political Bias and Influence: There is a concern about how political bias and influence may affect the development and delivery of digital literacy programs. Who gets to decide what constitutes mis/disinformation versus truth? Striking a balance between free speech and combating harmful content is a complex issue that will require innovative solutions. 

  • Funding Allocations for Effective and Efficient Delivery: Given that nearly all Americans have some level of connectivity, the challenge is to deliver digital literacy training effectively and efficiently at scale. This requires creative approaches, coupled with diverse delivery methods. Our communities needed digital literacy yesterday; however, funding allocations for this critical initiative remain limited. 

Digital literacy is a relatively new approach to addressing the ever-growing challenge of navigating the digital landscape. However, early results from digital literacy training initiatives support the idea that an integrated approach can lead to sustainable resiliency. Both public and private sector organizations should prioritize digital literacy training as a fundamental component of a digitally responsible society. Equipping internet users with the skills to engage with the digital world responsibly is essential for preserving individual rights and fostering continued innovation without compromising security.

Digital Literacy Training Resources 

Becker Digital’s experienced team of cyber and education experts has developed and deployed digital literacy skill-building training to multiple public sector audiences. We have the demonstrated capabilities to support this current skills gap in modern society. Given the many far-reaching negative impacts of a digitally illiterate society, all internet users must develop foundation skills related to digital literacy. 

Digital literacy is so much more than a buzzword; it's a crucial skill set that empowers individuals, strengthens organizations, and enhances society. The consequences of digital illiteracy are significant, ranging from cybersecurity vulnerabilities to the spread of misinformation. Governments, the military, nonprofits, and private sector organizations all have a role to play in championing digital literacy.

By investing in digital literacy education and support, we can cultivate a more resilient and informed society, one that is better prepared to navigate the challenges of the Digital Age. We invite you to reach out to us for a discussion on how we can support your digital literacy training needs. Together, we can empower individuals and build a safer and more knowledgeable digital landscape. Contact us to discuss digital literacy training support services. 

Becker Digital is proud to be a CVE-verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), SBA-certified HUBZone Business, and Virginia SWaM-certified (Micro, Small, and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned) Business.


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